Shameless plug for ads and offers (Actual useful info!)

Ok, I promise this will be a very rarely seen event on the blog but I feel that it is ok to talk about ads and offers in a post now and then.

I am an avid writer and love anything written, ranging from Agatha Christie to Edgar Allan Poe so naturally i am a know it all when it comes to the written word. I'm also a sucker for a great deal, and if I can have something free I'm willing to do a little work for it.

I am therefore very happy to be able to present some very exiting news about the future of the blog, and the advertising and offers that it presents.

First off I would like to shamelessly plug the bannerads on the site. Free games and lots of them!! (oh and yeah, the blog earns $0.5 for that too. Enough to buy us a soda!)

We are also in the works to put on a contest where a few happy winners will walk away with their very own 'House cane', a perfect replica of the cane with flames that Dr. House flaunts in "Family", the twenty-first episode of the third season of House M.D.

Of course everyone that has signed up for the newsletter will recieve all the info on our new and exiting offers as soon as we publish them, so sign up today!

Well, thats all for me for now, I hope you are enjoying the blog and keep an eye out for our review of 'Alone' the first episode of season 4. (we will of course also link to the episode online as soon as humanly possible).

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