House S04E10 “It’s a Wonderful Lie” Promotional Pictures and Episode description

House Episode 4.10: It’s a Wonderful Lie
Air date: January 29, 2008

In the Christmas episode, Kutner decorates the office, and House is all um, you clearly don’t know any better like homie (Foreman) and then takes down the decorations. Kutner asks if they can do secret Santa.

Later house decides that yes, they can do secret Santa and writes everyones name and puts it in a stocking. Not a huge surprise that we come to find out he put his name on every paper. He does this to cause tension within the new gang, once they all find out they all have House, what are they going to do? Fight of course and fight they do.

To up the stakes, House “finds” a wrapped gift on his desk and opens it in front of the crew, it’s an iPhone, and he loves it. later we learn he stole Wilson’s iPhone to screw with his newbies.

The newbies don’t know what to do, they’re not telling House they know, 13 says she’s not getting a gift, but then sees Taub give House a gift and is all pissed cause now she has to give House a gift. House enjoys all their infighting. 13 ends up giving him a record.

(Click on the pictures for full-screen)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

cool link