House Season 4, Episode 4 'Guardian Angels' Episode Description

House Season 4, Episode 4 Guardian Angels Episode Description
Originally Aired: October 23, 2007
Link to preview HERE

Episode Description

A 20-year-old funeral home cosmetician, Irene, has a massive seizure and she hallucinates that the cadavers in the funeral home have come to life. House and the remaining seven fellowship candidates must figure out why. As the team runs tests, they realize Irene is carrying on conversations with her long-deceased mother, who she believes is sitting in the room with her. Thinking something in the funeral home may have made Irene sick, House sends the candidates on some less-than-desirable investigative missions, one of which involves a visit to a graveyard. As Irene's symptoms become more life-threatening and her ghostly visions more vivid, House surmises that connecting with Irene's dead mother might be the best route to diagnosing her illness. Meanwhile, Foreman finds his "House-like" reputation has preceded him as he interviews for a new job, and House must narrow down the candidates from seven to six.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for these posts. I am a really big fan of this show. Keep up the great work.

Anonymous said...

I just don't get where the blond twins and the vet girl went.
House didn't fired them...

Anonymous said...

no he fired everyone from the girl's team except for olivia wilde ( thirteen)