Baseball V. House?

Yepp, its true! We hate to ruin everyones week so early but 'House' is being shunned Tuesday nighgt to the Baseball Playoffs (Yeah we like baseball too, but House more).

So at 8/9 central Tuesday you are not watching the Baseball Playoffs, we suggest that you try something new,!

We offer Episodes of two brand new shows; Bionic Woman and Reaper. We especially like Reaper, since it is hillarious and directed by our favorite Kevin Smith from Mallrats, Clerks and Dogma (how could you not like Chris Rock as Rufus the 10th apostle?). If you have lived in a cave for the last 10 years, or are 12 years old and have devout parents urge you to rent his movies, they are maybe the best you will see!


C.S. Feld said...

So House is also going to be shunned tomorrow night?

1morebarkeep said...

Chris Rock was not jesus in Dogma, he was rufus the thirteenth apostle. Please check your info even on the page you linked to.

Daniel Larsson said...

Hey thx. That is true! Got my black religious figures mixed up!


Unknown said...

Two weeks without House is just torture =(

Anonymous said...

First Prison Break, then House!! All because of a silly game of glorified rounders!!