Olivia Wilde, new House M.D. eye candy! (Pictures)

As we watch Dr. Allison Cameron leave the spotlight House M.D. we are left wondering who will shoulder the responsibility of the new nr.1 woman on the show.

Even though left to speculation, many believe that the new actress to share the female with Lisa Edelstein's Dr. Cuddy will be Olivia Wilde.

Olivia Wilde is confirmed as being one of Dr. House's new apprentices trying out for the positions left open by Dr. Cameron, Dr. Foreman and Dr. Chase. And one thing is for certain. If the producers wish to reach a younger, and male audience Olivia Wilde does not seem like a bad bet!

Here are a few pictures of Olivia from tastefulcelebs.com, judge for yourself!

(Click on the pictures to view full-size)

Source: tastefulcelebs.com

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