Jennifer Morrison pictures from Emmy Awards - Hot or Horrible?

I just ran across these pictures of Jennifer Morrison aka. Doctor Allison Cameron on House M.D. and I just don't get it?

I have to say that Jennifer recently has looked very hot! and the leather and lace pictures posted a few days ago are just gorgeous but what is this? I am fighting to find anything in the pictures that I like. The dress is horrible, I prefer her as a brunette, too much makeup etc. etc.

You have to judge for yourself, but I am just stunned and not in a good way! (feel free to comment this post, we would like to read your reactions to Jennifer's Makeover)

(click on the pictures to view full-size)

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Anonymous said...

I saw pictures of her with blond hair a few days ago, and she was saying that's actually her real hair color (doesn't look real, though) and the producers liked it and asked her to keep it for season 4.

Anyway, since then, I really hope she'll be back as a brunette soon, because she seems so "flat", uninteresting, no charisma, when she's blond.
With her blue/green eyes and her brown hair, she's beautiful.
Here, she just looks like any random blond girl on a red carpet.


Daniel Larsson said...

My point exactly! In her darker hair she is 'Dr. Cameron'; damaged, insecure, cute and vulnerable.

The blog hair just makes her look like a Lana Turner-Marilyn lookalike.

Does NOT fit for her personality on the show, unless it changes dramatically!

Anonymous said...

She is a natural blond. I've known her since she was a kid and she was blond back then.

nutt said...

She is a gorgeous gal but everyone makes a few fashion mistakes every now and then. I would like to see her go for the classy look rather than the bunny fur. Additionally, agree with the darker hair. She looks better with contrast between her hair and her skin. In retrospect, if you don't have to color your hair why do it.