Jennifer Morrison looking HOT at the Emmy Celebration Party and TV Guide After Party (Pictures)

Just a few days ago I complained over the makeover that Jennifer Morrison aka. Dr. Allison Cameron had gone through. I whined over her blondness of her hair, her makeup and the choice of dress, in short; I didn't like it, not one bit.

And isn't it just like lady luck to throw me and my opinions a curve ball again. All of a sudden, Jennifer shows up at both the Emmy Celebration party and the TV Guide after party looking so hot it is completely ridiculous!

I'm not going go on and on about this but dammit! She looks hot all of a sudden! Well, Enjoy!

(Jennifer Morrison in sexy-blue at the 59th Emmy Celebration party)

(Jennifer Morrison looking fabulous at the TV Guide Emmy After Party)
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1 comment:

hapax legomenon said...

wow...she does look tremendous...and thank you for all your hard work on this is *the* primo House site on the internet