Hugh Laurie - House M.D. Sex Symbol of the crippled!

With Olivia Wilde, Jennifer Morrison, Jesse Spencer and Lisa Edelstein portrayed in our series of 'Sexy pictures' of the cast of House M.D. we now only have 2 more characters to go before the start of season 4 (not counting the plethora of new cast members, and yes we know; we only let Olivia Wilde join the current cause she is SO hot!)

So for today, who could be a more fitting object than the 'Big poobah', the 'Big cheese', the 'man' himself Hugh Laurie?

Here are a few 'Panty peelers' as the good Doctor would describe them, Enjoy!

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Anonymous said...

Ohh, those are wonderful! His eyes always look so beautiful in photos. (Well, they also look great on TV, but thats going a little far.)

Keep up the good work guys! I really enjoy coming on to this site.

Anonymous said...

I'm in love with Hugh Laurie. There, i said it! those are very very nice pictures of him...thank you for the eye candy!

Anonymous said...

...I need a wet nap.
Why is he biting his shirt?
I don't know and I don't care.
The first picture is going up on my wall.

Anonymous said...

i think I may love him....