Buy the House M.D. Soundtrack is Here! (Buy House Soundtrack through

After so much whining, bitching and complaining to they finally released the House M.D. Soundtrack!!!

A group of us House M.D. fans have for a while now (try 3 months) been trying to get news, release dates, Library-numbers release dates, and even gone to the Cd-pressing company (yeah that was fun) and more to be able to track offer the soundtrack as soon as humanly possible and at the best price your readers could get. So what happens.. well I'll tell you. releases from a clear blue sky the soundtrack??

Well, I'm not going to gripe about the fact that we couldn't get a straight answer from Yesterday!! and now its here, I'm just going to say Enjoy!

Here is a link (ad) where you can purchase (preorder) your very own copy of the House M.D. Soundtrack! (and it is awesome!!)

As most of you know, you also support this blog when you purchase something through a link. It's not much, but since this blog is run 'pro-bono' (on out spare time) every penny counts (towards beer and burgers) so buy something and make us all a little happier!

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