Dr. Lisa Cuddy - Lisa Edelstein Hot Photos!

Just found some very nice pictures of Lisa Edelstein aka. Dr. Lisa Cuddy on House M.D. and anyone that is an avid reader of the blog knows that I am very much a fan of this woman!

I may have to agree that maybe both Olivia Wilde and Jennifer Morrison have more raw sex-appeal, mostly due to their 'perkiness' and youth but neither holds a candle to Lisa Edelstein when it comes to grace and womanliness!

So without further ado here she is! Enjoy!

(Click on pictures to view full-size)

Source: livejournal.com and ghettyimages.com

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Her eyes are so beautiful. As beautiful as Hugh Laurie's. And I'm a straight girl, by the way.