Ann Coulter; republican, smart and sarcastic!

I just wanted to shamelessly advertise our new sponsor (Bottom banner, hint hint). I am NOT a Republican myself, but if you are or not really does doesent matter. Ann Coulter is shameless, sarcastic, funny and provoking! Oh and also FREE!

Join the Ann Coulter newsletter for free by clicking on the banner at the bottom of the page (placed so that you won't be disturbed by the advertising), if nothing else you will have a little more knowledge of politics!

I am also looking for a Democrat newsletter to add, to balance the views out so stay tuned!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Daniel,

It is not often that I write notes or comments on people's blogs. So I don't want you to think that I am some nut who likes to yell. And you should know that I admire your sheer dedication and enthusiasm for House MD. But, to be sponsored by, and ENDORSE Ann Coulter pains me to hear.

Ann Coultre is a heartless, soulless, blood-sucking ache of a woman. She is neither smart or sarcastic. She is ruthless and mean. She stands on her 2ed amendment soapbox and screams truly awful things at the top of her lungs for attention, plain and simple. I am all for the rights of Americans, but this woman wrote in her book about who the 911 widows were harpies and who they were exploiting their husbands deaths. Here is a link if you like to read it for yourself.

As a widow myself, losing the man you love is a pain that it almost too much to carry. To have some blonde bitch who stands behind here Daddy's money and oh so over privileged upbringing, say that you are wallowing and enjoying it is inexcusable.

This woman makes me sad and ashamed to be an American. She is inhuman and unforgivable. And as much as I respect her right to say what she feels/wishes/ bores into my soul, I just can't stand by and let someone endorse her.

I know that you may support her and that is your choice, and it is your site and you can do what you wish with it. But please understand that everything this woman stands for boils my blood and I just wanted you to be informed of ALL sides of her before you fully throw yourself behind her.

Feel free to call me crazy and feel like I am attacking you. I am not in any way.

Sometimes, things have to be said.

thank you for your time,